Monday, July 26, 2004

wow, I'm pretty much posting like twice a week at the moment. I want to post more!! But I get too wrapped up in stupid stuff like trying to register my car and passing out for no reason. oh well.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I'm up to 316 people that have talked to my bot. That's pretty cool.

Monday, July 19, 2004

I just found out that my bot has 292 users!!  I'm so stoked.  That's from just evenings/weekends. I'm going to start leaving my computer on all day during the week....
This is a picture of me in the exhibit hall at anime expo 2004. I like it.  

I have recently become addicted to ragnarok.  It's been  a fun distraction.  I'm going to be a crusader eventually.  yay.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Must BITCH:   I went to the car dealership and picked up my 'green slip' (the thing I need to get my car registered) and somewhere in between the dealership and the DMV, I LOST THE GREEN SLIP!!!!!! So, I still can't register my car.  However we did manage to get my old car registered to my parents (they're buying it) so now I have my old plates to put on the new car.  At least *something* got accomplished today.   

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

sleep now.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Well, I am TERRIBLE about doing anything recently!!!!!
Mostly because I have been sick for about a week immediately upon returning back from anime expo. :0(
As I begin the journey to rejoin the world of the functional, here is a picture of my car:

and a picture of me with said car: