Friday, August 19, 2005

As completely indicative of my family, I am headed off to Utah to the Shakespeare Festival in Utah on a last minute's notice. Should be fun, :0D

grr, so of courrse I decide to start blogging finally, and blogger dosen't want to blog... I'll repost this later I guess.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

since I am "officialy" a webmaster now..... here, I figured I should start this whole blogging thing up on a regular basis. (actually I guess it's not official untill the site goes live sometime this weekend)

I'm so listless right now. Seriousy. I guess it's going to be good now that I am going back to work. Even tho it's not the job I want. Forgive me for feeling a bit cynical, but you do everything that you're supposed to do in life and you end up unemployed. And I feel completely unemployable. Not only am I supposed to be employed I'm supposed to have a high paying job right now. That's just the way it should be. I worked hard to get my degree. damnit.
And I've been unemployed twice wtfits? Wow I dig my acronym. LOL (and then I go on to use one of the internet's most overused acronyms) ok anyway.
In other news:

My pussy is cute!!