and an alligator:
I thought both of them came out pretty good. I have video too, but the battery on my camera died, so I need to charge it. I've still been lazy, I'm trying to make an effort to take better care of myself. Which is going OK, except for the bed situation. Last night I couldn't sleep. First off my bed is a hand-me-down bed and it is bowed in the middle. Secondly, my ears are sore cause I got them pierecd for the fourth time so I can't quite lie on my side properly. Then I realized that my fish tank needed water cause it was making too much noise, so I finally gave in to that and put some water in the tank. Then I found a semi-cofortable spot on the bed and a leftover cricket in the lizard's cage started chirping, so I shut my door. I was unable to get comfortable on the bed so I finally got up and turned my beanbag into a bed and dragged it into the middle of my bedroom floor (not that easy of a feat for one person, it's a king size). By this time it is like 4:20 in the am. Finally Ninja Squeaks decided she had never had a drink in her life and spent like 10 minutes emptying her water bottle. So now my dillema is weather I should keep the beanbag as a bed, using it soley as my bed, or trek accross town to pick up another hand-me-down bed from a friend tomorrow. Either way the bed I have now is going in the dumpster tomorrow.
In other news, I'm very pissed off, no way in hell do I agree with:
this list. Some of it goes without saying, but "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel, "What's Up?" by 4 Non Blondes?? Just to point out a couple of their misrepresented songs... sheesh who the hell put toghether this list anyway!?!
OK, so I'm done ranting there. That's all I have to say for this evening. More sooner this time (shush Robert).
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