Monday, March 27, 2006

The random thougt for today:

Well ok 2 random thoughts:

Why is my Random Stage Ninja t-shirt Green and not Black!?!?

Why do I suck so much at updating my blog?


Anonymous said...

Because it's easier to blend into a stage when you're bright green :)


ken said...

maybe it's a random film ninja t-shirt and you're supposed to blend into a greenscreen?? :D

oh, you're not bad at updating your blog. i've seen bad and you're not it. not everybody's an every day kinda blogger. as for why you don't update more often... it might be a motivation thing or it might just be a habit thing. for me, i never run out of stuff to talk about so it's a matter of making sure not to post too much. sometimes something will strike me as necessary to post about. other times i just pick a thought to post. very often i want to post something but i'm too lazy or it gets put off until later and then i don't do it. i try to consider my audience, but ultimately it's mostly for me. i do know that i have a very hard time posting if i'm really unmotivated in general or if i'm working too hard. winter break i have a tendency to just drop off the face of the earth. but when i'm on a trip i tend to post daily cause i have so much cool stuff to show and tell each day! :D

so, i dunno. i think you just have to ask yourself why you post, focus on your motivations, and get into a pattern that encourages you to follow the course of action you desire. and remember that it's ok to not blog if you don't want to. :)
