Wednesday, May 05, 2004

So, how can I keep my rat from biting me? It's not like she bites hard, but it's really pissing me off. I really like this rat, even tho she's kinda goofy. I guess I just feel like posting something here to get in to the 'spirit' of this whole blogging thing. So, the rat is the only thing I can think of that's not like an incredibly seriouls topic right now. Ninja Squeaks isn't going to make me cry, unless she starts biting harder of course. Why does life have to be so full of stupid drama?!? It was never like this before. It has something to do with 2004, I'm convinced. My 14 year depression has hit a new high (or low depending on how you look at it). I'm so sick of being depressed. blah.

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